Ana Feriero: PJESME (izbor)

Ana Feriero: PJESME (izbor)


A poem at night
is a stolen kiss
that turns that memory
into a huge hurricane.
A poem at night
Becomes melody – scans time,
eliminating space.
A poem by night
is a haiku of love
that colors
my infinte
sea of hope


In the heart of Nepal
left a message,
you of a common man
your great Destiny
your hard Path.
In Wealth and money
you have lived your life
women and beauty
your heart have
kidnapped, them.

For the sake of a sheet
a villa he made you
your unhappy Father
he gave you a wife.
One evening suddenly
your verdict Balance
began the ascent
of Mudras and Gems.
Siddhartha Your Name
you have given your heart
for that great courage
you have awakened


I saw a star
as I was listening to my heart,
I was happy and full of love.
I saw a star
as I was dreaming of your gaze
there was a new perfume
that in the waves of the sea
it sounded new melody.
A Flower was born
it reminded the snow.
I grazed that flower:
spring has blossomed!


New inspiration, inundates
my life without brakes
moon perfumes, rising, in silence
they joke gracefully, enthusiastically
one hour before sunset
when the sea shows up
with silence and a great expectation
everything in blue is redecorated.
The show begins
it’s party time
gold, blue and turquoise
by seagulls by the sea
between Asia and a bit of Europe
they are reflected on the border, in harmony
giving a new dream, world hope
an exceptional journey, a natural aquarium
living every time, with love love
which is still deep
tapping to the east
the reflection of the moon, a new sparkling note
when only the full moon
in the orchestra it succeeds in dancing


Look of the moon
color of sunset
a ray of love, shining, incessant
eternal wayfarer
of an unexplored sea
barrier reef
Everything is new now
life again
on the borders of Ireland

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